Make the most of the adventure

Without the worries





Tres Maria's Travel and Tours

Hi, Welcome.

The Philippines is where we are situated. This is the destination for you if you're seeking for beautiful beaches with tons of entertainment. Tres Maria's Travel And Tours offers some of the nicest locations as well as beach enjoyment. Your upcoming vacation should be spent here, and we are here to make that happen.  For every requirement, we offer the ideal beach house.  We will be pleased to help you in any way we can to ensure that your trip to the forgotten coast is one you won't soon forget.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step


Tour A

Big Lagoon


Contact us for more details of this offer.

Tour B

Snake Island


Contact us for more details of this offer.

Tour C

Hidden Beach


Contact us for more details of this offer.

Tour D

Small Lagoon


Contact us for more details of this offer.

Gallery of Events

Contact Us

Tres Maria's Travel And Tours

Calle Real St., Brgy. Buena Suerte

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